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          • 首頁
          • 關于幫利

            幫利公司起始于中國東南部的福建省省會福州,標志性的閩江在這片土地分流并交匯入海。上世紀末,幫利公司在福州成立,開始涉足茶飲行業,這是關于一個家庭追求夢想的故事,不僅僅是對茶飲,也是對這片土地的熱愛。經歷不斷發展,代代傳承,幫利從最早的奶茶門市生意,發展成一家專注于餐飲用茶與供應鏈的公司,26 年來,依然激情生長、繁榮、且經久不息。...

          • 里程碑

            幫利茶業福建寧德新工廠建成投產,福州永泰新工廠動工,廣西橫州新工廠封頂。 福建農林大學園藝學院與幫利茶業及其四處生產基地簽署校外科教實踐基地合作協議。 幫利茶業聯合國內多所茶葉高等院校,向茶學系師生及圖書館贈書《故宮貢茶圖典》。 幫利茶業榮獲咖門 2022 萬有引力大會年度供應鏈爆品獎。 幫利茶業在第四屆茉莉花大會期間,多款茉莉花茶榮獲 2022 年度茉莉花茶推薦產品,同時被授予 2022 全國茉莉花茶十大創新品牌稱號...

          • 我們的價值與服務

            作為一家專業的餐飲用茶與解決方案服務機構,各類型的精制茶葉是幫利的產品核心。 這些茶葉產品包括中國傳統六大茶類及世界主要茶葉產區的茶葉,通過幫利專業技術人員的拼配與調配,這些茶葉產品被制作成包括餐飲用茶、袋泡茶、花果茶、三角茶包、功夫茶等相關產品面向連鎖茶飲、咖啡、中餐、西式快餐、火鍋,以及各類型含茶瓶裝飲料,出現在各類型生活場景中...

          • 新聞中心
          • 聯系我們














          On the morning of July 29, 2022, Professor Guo Yuqiong, deputy dean of the College of Horticulture of Fujian agricultural and Forestry University, Professor Lin Jinke, Dean of the dean of Academic Affairs (former dean of Anxi Tea College of Fujian agricultural and Forestry University), and Professor Hao Zhilong made a special trip to Fuzhou Benny Tea Industry Co., Ltd. for investigation. Guo Yuqiong and his delegation warmly congratulated the College of Horticulture of Fujian agricultural and Forestry University on the conclusion of the cooperation agreement on off campus science and education practice bases between the College of Horticulture of Fujian agricultural and Forestry University and four industrial parks of Benny, which are:

          Fuzhou Benny Tea Industry Co., Ltd

          Fuzhou Xinzhiyuan Ecological Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd

          Ningde Benny Tea Industry Co., Ltd

          Guangxi Zhongken Tea Industry Co., Ltd





          Mr. Zhang Chaobin, chairman of Benny Tea, accompanied the visit and had a discussion with Guo Yuqiong and his delegation. The two sides reached a consensus that they would carry out broader and deeper exchanges and cooperation, comprehensively and deeply promote the integration of industry and education, promote the all-round connection of education chain, talent chain, industrial chain and innovation chain, and jointly draw a new blueprint for high-quality development.








          During the discussion and exchange, vice president Guo Yuqiong said: as a leading catering tea supply chain and solution service organization in China, Benny Tea has a solid industrial foundation, obvious industry advantages, rich innovation resources and great development potential. This time, the horticultural college and Benny Tea signed a cooperation agreement on the off campus science and education practice base, which will provide the horticultural college with a more comprehensive practical teaching system and better practical teaching resources in the new tea application and supply chain sector, strengthen the improvement and construction of the base, implement resource sharing within the region, and form a good situation of talent training, enterprise development, ecological chain and agricultural application technology development.








          Mr. Zhang Chaobin, chairman of Benny Tea, extended a warm welcome to Vice President Guo Yuqiong and his delegation. Mr. Zhang Chaobin said that the school of Horticulture of Fujian agriculture and Forestry University has a long history of running a school and has a strong faculty. It has cultivated a large number of well-known experts and outstanding talents for the society, and has made outstanding contributions to the economic development and talent training of Fujian and even the whole country. Benny is a key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization integrating tea planting, fine processing and diversified sales. It is the unremitting pursuit of Benny company to create extremely high-quality catering tea from the experience of traditional tea production. The cooperation with the school of Horticulture of Fujian agriculture and Forestry University on the off campus science and education practice base will further improve the company's scientific research ability. Benny will also take this opportunity to cooperate with the College of horticulture to discuss the construction of the new tea education system, make use of the excellent teaching staff of the College of horticulture to promote the development of Benny in product research and development, technological innovation and deep processing of tea, and drive the construction of the new tea drinking industry education system, so as to move the education of the tea industry to a new height in a more scientific, authoritative and quality way.






          Fujian agriculture and Forestry University is a provincial key university with the advantages and characteristics of agriculture and forestry disciplines, and the coordinated development of science, engineering, economics, management, literature, law, art and other disciplines. Relying on the excellent soft and hard conditions of Fujian agricultural and Forestry University, the College of horticulture has a post doctoral scientific research station in horticulture, a doctoral and master's degree authorization point in horticulture, covering five secondary disciplines such as fruit tree science, tea science, vegetable science, flower and landscape gardening, facility agricultural science and engineering, and one professional master's field, forming an undergraduate Master Doctor post doctoral talent training system, Among them, the first level disciplines of horticulture are provincial key disciplines and provincial key characteristic disciplines.






          In the future, both sides will actively use the leading technology and rich experience in their respective fields to achieve the goal of "cooperative education and common development". Along with the teaching plan and actual situation of the College of Horticulture of Fujian agriculture and Forestry University, Benny will also provide students with the necessary materials, equipment and venues for practice, make full use of human resources and industry advantages, open professional academic lectures and theoretical teaching from time to time, and cultivate students' practical operation ability and professional quality.








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