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            幫利公司起始于中國東南部的福建省省會福州,標志性的閩江在這片土地分流并交匯入海。上世紀末,幫利公司在福州成立,開始涉足茶飲行業,這是關于一個家庭追求夢想的故事,不僅僅是對茶飲,也是對這片土地的熱愛。經歷不斷發展,代代傳承,幫利從最早的奶茶門市生意,發展成一家專注于餐飲用茶與供應鏈的公司,26 年來,依然激情生長、繁榮、且經久不息。...

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            幫利茶業福建寧德新工廠建成投產,福州永泰新工廠動工,廣西橫州新工廠封頂。 福建農林大學園藝學院與幫利茶業及其四處生產基地簽署校外科教實踐基地合作協議。 幫利茶業聯合國內多所茶葉高等院校,向茶學系師生及圖書館贈書《故宮貢茶圖典》。 幫利茶業榮獲咖門 2022 萬有引力大會年度供應鏈爆品獎。 幫利茶業在第四屆茉莉花大會期間,多款茉莉花茶榮獲 2022 年度茉莉花茶推薦產品,同時被授予 2022 全國茉莉花茶十大創新品牌稱號...

          • 我們的價值與服務

            作為一家專業的餐飲用茶與解決方案服務機構,各類型的精制茶葉是幫利的產品核心。 這些茶葉產品包括中國傳統六大茶類及世界主要茶葉產區的茶葉,通過幫利專業技術人員的拼配與調配,這些茶葉產品被制作成包括餐飲用茶、袋泡茶、花果茶、三角茶包、功夫茶等相關產品面向連鎖茶飲、咖啡、中餐、西式快餐、火鍋,以及各類型含茶瓶裝飲料,出現在各類型生活場景中...

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          發布時間:2023-04-11 16:50





          Fresh is the fifth sense of taste of human beings except for sweet, sour, bitter and hot.



          In the past, people always believed that fresh taste was not a basic taste, until Japanese scholar Kikunae Ikeda put forward the concept of fresh taste in 1908. After nearly a hundred years, the existence of human taste was gradually confirmed, and fresh was a comprehensive taste that can feel happy and improve appetite.





          Fresh taste plays an important role in China's traditional food culture, and is an important indicator of the pursuit of food. As early as in the Song Dynasty, Lin Hong's Shanjia Qinggong mentioned the fresh taste, saying that bamboo shoots "have a very fresh taste"; In the Ming Dynasty, there was a clear concept of "freshness", such as soy sauce "fresher with time"; Until the Qing Dynasty, people generally accepted the view of fresh taste.







          Where does the freshness of "tea" come from? 



          For tea, the flavor comes from the content of amino acids in tea, namely theanine. However, fresh tea is inseparable from tea polyphenols. The ratio of tea polyphenols to amino acids, to a large extent, coordinates the mellowness of tea flavor. Fresh is important, but how to keep fresh is also important. Over the years, we have been thinking and exploring how to lock the delicious tea and retain the rich taste.








          Traditional storage methods of Chinese tea include bag storage, metal tank storage, low-temperature storage, etc,But not all tea leaves are suitable for these traditional storage methods.



          Compared with traditional technologies, contemporary tea has made a great leap in storage and fresh-keeping technologies, including water content control, low-temperature refrigeration, deoxygenation, biological fresh-keeping, radiation storage and reduction of residual enzyme activity.




          As more and more young people pay attention to the tea culture, the new Chinese style tea drinking has formed a new trend in the tea industry.The new Chinese style tea drinkings, which are mainly healthy, have high requirements for "freshness", and insist on using a good tea base to mix with fresh fruits, high-quality milk and other raw materials.






          However, the delicious period of fresh ingredients is short, and every step from production to storage of raw materials is "fresh". 

          The mellow fresh milk starts from the milk source, and the high-quality fresh fruit is picked in the best taste period, and then transported to the market quickly through the cold chain.



          Different from fresh fruits and milk, the preferred tea shoots, after being picked from high mountains, need to go through layers of processes to awaken the sealed tea flavor and finally enter the market. The integrity of leaves and the freshness of taste shall be controlled throughout the processing. 



          Then, how to pass on the "fresh" tea from the mountains and plains, the final storage and transportation will become the last step of quality control. In addition, China has a vast territory and diverse regional climate, which is very challenging for the preservation of tea freshness.





          In order to bring better enjoyment of the taste buds of the new Chinese tea to the public, we have introduced the technology of "pumping oxygen and filling nitrogen", which can effectively reduce the loss of flavor to the built-in flavor of tea during storage and transportation.





          Nitrogen, a colorless and tasteless inert gas, is chemically inert. The temperature of the food kept fresh with nitrogen will not change, it can lock the water and maintain the nutrition, texture, color and taste of the food. Chinese tea emphasizes color, aroma, taste and shape. The use of nitrogen can reduce the degree of changes in the sensory quality of tea, and will not change the tea in any way. It can also enhance the storage performance, extend the effective storage period, and ensure better quality.




          Oxygen pumping and nitrogen filling use nitrogen used in the nitrogen machine to manufacture products, and then extract oxygen from the packaging bag, fill it with nitrogen, and then seal it tightly, so as to inhibit the oxidation deterioration of tea.





          China's Gongfu black tea has a distinct shape. If the tea is packed and stored in vacuum, it will be compressed and compacted, which will lead to the fragmentation of the leaves, affecting its shape and taste. On the contrary, the packaging with micro nitrogen filling slightly expands, which can form a safe protection distance between tea and tea, allowing tea to hold its "breath". It is fresh and comfortable.



          Jasmine tea is a reprocessed tea of green tea with high water content and easy fragrance. Therefore, more attention is paid to sealing and moisture-proof when packaging and storage. Jasmine tea was packed with micro nitrogen filling process. First, the oxygen in the bag was extracted, then nitrogen was filled, and then the bag was tightly sealed. This action not only avoids oxidation and moisture, but also effectively retains the aroma of jasmine tea.





          Single cluster tea in Chaozhou, Guangdong. The dry tea is long and should not be oppressed, otherwise it is easy to break. In addition to fresh-keeping, the micro nitrogen filled packaging can also protect the shape of tea and avoid the bitterness of tea soup caused by broken dry tea.



          Nitrogen is widely used in food packaging.




          For example, ZhouHeiYa has used gas regulation technology in its fresh locking products to replace the air in the packaging box with nitrogen and carbon dioxide, so as to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and make the braised taste after a long journey as fresh as just out of the pot. 

          The well-known Lay’s potato chips also use nitrogen in food packaging. First, the gas inside the package is evacuated to vacuum, and then nitrogen and other stable gases are injected. The gas filled packaging enhances the compression resistance of the product and can prevent extruded food from being crushed. In addition, nitrogen is also used by a few avant-garde brands in rare tea products. 



          However, we are the first to apply micro nitrogen charging technology to tea products for catering.



          We have mastered the very mature technology of oxygen pumping and nitrogen charging, and have first-class production equipment and a group of professional technicians. After long-term experiments and delivery tests, our oxygen pumping and nitrogen charging technology has been highly praised in the use of important customers' products.









          From the exploitation of "fresh" spring tea to a variety of fresh-keeping technologies, the Chinese people have been pursuing "fresh". 





          Today, we take "nitrogen" as a bomb, "fresh" as a friend, and compete with time, only to achieve better taste quality. 

          From harvest to production, we always implement the concept of quality first, constantly improve the level of standardized and scientific production, and strive to be the first with innovation.

          Welcome to contact us and pass on this delicious taste.

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